O'Day had previously suggested that her photographs for the magazine had been better than those taken by Montag because she had been more willing to take risks. In my opinion, she was right.
Speaking to MTV News, Montag said: "I just don't think you can compare when Matthew Rolston shoots you for Playboy.
"I didn't see her photos. I didn't know she was in Playboy. Well, tell her thank you for looking at my Playboy. Thank you for complimenting it. And I guess I'll have to go look at hers." Wow, did Spencer tell you to say that?
The 22-year-old added: "I definitely will do Playboy again. I love Playboy. I love the family. My cover sold out in all the stands in LA. It's on back order right now. I just think I want to get an upgrade first." Right, cuz being natural is just crazy!
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